This Year I...

Inspired by Kaylah's "This year I..." post I decided to make my own! I kinda did it last year except I called it A Year in Photos)
Since 2013 is almost over, here we go, This year I... 

 dyed the tips of my hair pink before chopping it off
took a photo every hour one day out of each month
spent a lot of time at the YouTube Creator Space

went to Disneyland a few times with the best people

said goodbye to my sister right before she left for her Tokyo Disneyland contract (she does not come home till next April!)

spent my 27th birthday at The Edison

 attended three weddings (two out-of-state, Oregon and New York)

sold Nerdy Monsters in the 2-day Whimsic Alley Harry Potter craft fair (day one & day two)

saw a wizard rock show and many The Long Holidays shows

went to my third VidCon!

celebrated the two year anniversary of CalNerdCon

dressed up as Lousie and Ellie for Halloween

made 12 videos reviewing The Rocky Horror Picture show and all

made my very first Etsy sale!
Here's to 2014 being twice as awesome!
Stay updated with MagicCatJenny on Bloglovin

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