July Goals | Halfway Through 2017

It's been a while since I actually wrote out my goals. So instead of occasionally looking at my year goals and deciding that I have all year, (the year is now half over!) I'm going to break things down monthly. So lets start with the halfway progress and move to additions for July.

Life Stuff

  •  Read (at least) 25 books.
I'm very behind, but listening to a few audio books to catch up. 
  • Shop more consciously.
    It's going well! I bought a 'Made in the USA' dress from my friend Laura's shop, Tin Lizzy.  So far that's been it but I have plans to go thrift shopping if I find I need some new summer shorts. 
    • Waste less.
        Using a lot of low packaging and reusable products...I might have to make a favorites video soon...
        • Start my journey to a capsule wardrobe.
            Hehhh, not great. I finally donated all the dresses I was trying to sell...but I got 2 new t-shirts at VidCon and that new dress. My wardrobe is not a capsule...but I do wear all my t-shirts!
            • Don't put my life on hold due to fears.
            Doing a bit better at this (it's mental health related) but it's a slow journey...

            Internet Stuff
            • Write about my 2015.
            I NEED TO DO THIS STILL!
            • Write about my 2016.
            I NEED TO DO THIS STILL!
              • (Finally) post wedding photos.
              I NEED TO DO THIS STILL!
                • *Secret* project
                Finally, something I can say I've done! It's livestreaming on Twitch and it's really fun!! 
                • Sort out my digital life. 
                NOPE. Not sure if this will ever be done tbh...

                JULY GOALS

                • Write 10,000 words of my novel for Camp NaNoWriMo
                • Read 'The Handmaid's Tale'
                • Wedding Photos
                • Summer CA Road Trip and a wedding ♥︎
                • Start at least 2 of the 12 collabs I'm working on
                • Try some watch-a-longs on Rabb.it with my Twitch crew (and plan the Cats one for Aug.)
                • VidCon pictures and vlog
                • Start working on the wig I was commissioned to do (and stream it via Twitch)
                The idea is to work a bit on each of these things all week. I might take to Twitter to celebrate or lament about the progress. Here's to a busy (but hopefully successful) month!