Found Favorites #24 Inspiration

It's no secret that this blog has been suffering a bit lately. I know I've mentioned it here that I plan to get back into blogging more frequently once I'm married but I still feel like I need to check in every so often anyways. I've collected some inspiring blog posts to help me get back at once I have the time. Hopefully they can bring you some inspiration as well. (and give you a glimpse at what my favorite blogs are) They are not all specifically about blogging but some life advice as well, things that make me feel like 'okay, I can do this.' Also, since I have you here, please comment with what type of content you want to see on this blog this summer. I would love to hear from my readers and know what your favorite posts are. As always, thank you for reading!

The first post on the list is from one of my all time favorite blogs, The Dainty Squid. It's about how her full time career is being a blogger and how it's not as weird as some people think.

The second post
 on the list is from the blog Enjoy It. It is about tips for success with long-term projects, which are things I defiantly tend to start. In fact her Make29 project sounds a lot like my Nerdy Monsters 2014 project where I released a new product each month.

The third post is from Because of Jackie. She talked about her idea of a capsule wardrobe that's actually not. I've been feeling the same as her and that's I like the idea of a capsule wardrobe but I don't want to limit my fashion creativity. I like her solution.

I'll admit, being absent from posting on my blog (besides my videos) also means I've been absent from reading a lot of blogs as often as I used to. (Something that will also change after my wedding.) So as I browsed my Bloglovin lists, I was sad to see that a lot of my favorite blogs were on hiatus or had not posted for months. I hope they come back.

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