Shop my Closet! - Starting my Journey to a Capsule Wardrobe

One of my goals this year is to head towards owning a capsule wardrobe. That means owning less and better quality clothing. It's strange, was never the type of girl to own or wear lots of dresses, yet I'm sad to see these go because of all the memories tied to them. I was a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl for most of high school and college, however, in my 20s (partially allured by the cute ‘outfit posts’ of fellow bloggers) I started buying new and inexpensive dresses for things like weddings, parties, holidays, and anything else I felt like I couldn't wear the same thing twice to. (Not true! Being an outfit repeater is OKAY!!)

I got bullied in Elementary school for being and outfit repeater, so choosing a lifestyle (or at least giving it a shot) is kinda scary. Though I adore these clothes, I realize they’d be better off with someone who’d actually wear them. I have a few dresses (mostly size: M), some t-shirts, and other things for sale on Poshmark, just click here. (Or follow my Pinterest Board, it updates as they get listed, but not sold.) Thank you for taking the time to see what I've listed.

Sooo sad to see this dress go! (I graduated college in it and it's my Belle Disneybound dress) It just does not fit anymore. :( I kinda hope a Disneybounder buys it. (If so, show me pics!)

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