2015 Goals

1. Get Married!!!
Most excited for this huge life change and the awesome party we are going to throw. It's my favorite goal this year and the one I know I'm gonna meet. Um duh.

2. Visit the California Science Center
I need to make sure I do it this year!

3. Visit the MOCA.
Same as above!

4. Read 25 books.
I think this might be the year for me. I've never successfully completed this goal in the past but I'm really going to give it my best this year. (Even if that means watching less TV shows)

5. Make new Etsy business cards.
My Etsy shop did great this year and it's clear the people want my feminist buttons more than my plushies. Plushies are not going away but I want my business cards to reflect more of a variety of my products.

6. Treat my blog more like a business and my YouTube channel less.
This blog and my YouTube channel are tow of my 'jobbies' and I enjoy taking them slightly more seriously than a regular hobby. Over this past year though I have come to accept that my YouTube channel is more on the hobby side and my blog is more on the job side, not in terms of success but in terms of how comfortable I feel about monetization and brand deals and taking that next real business step. True I have ads on my videos but since I'm such a small channel anything more than that would not feel right. Blogs are a different story I feel, and when/if I get the opportunity to monetize more and turn one into something that more closely resembles a job, I'm going to lean towards this blog for that.

7. Assess what's important to me in life and remove the clutter.
I'll admit it to you right now, I am dangerously close to being called a hoarder. It's not a love of things per say, but a love of memories and to me things symbolize memories. It's a problem that I know I need to work on and this year I plan to take a large step and get rid of a significant amount of my possessions. I need to clean house. It's not going to be easy, there'll be tears, I'll hate it, but in the end it will be good for me. Life only moves forwards not back, it's time I start moving with it.

8. Organize my digital files.
So many hard drives, so many folders, so many screen caps and saved images and raw video footage. I need to really really get it all cleaned up and each digital file needs a purpose and a spot so I can find things for once!

9. Take a road trip.
I love driving with my Jimmy. (Well he drives and I navigate.) He's been itching to take a road trip lately and I think we might be able to swing it this year. Even if it's just for a weekend.

10. Honeymoon!!!
It might not be right after the wedding but it will happen! I'm so excited! We don't have anywhere planned yet, we're focusing on planning this wedding first, but we have a few ideas. Yay!!