Subscription Feed Woes

I have just taken the longest YouTube break, possibly ever, since I started posting weekly videos on my YouTube channel. It's been four weeks since my last video (icanSOdorandom & MagicCatJenny | Vlogs with Friends | Hannah Moroz) went live. I took the break mainly for my trip and prep and recovery time. I also think taking breaks from demanding hobbies is smart.

I took tons of travel footage so expect a few Japan videos soon. (Also photos!) This long YouTube break has not only left me itching to make videos again, it also left me with a large amount of unwatched videos in my subscription feed. Eek!

I'm subscribed to well over 500 channels and at least half post regularly, so watching every single video I've missed is really unrealistic. (I don't really do that anyway.) So even if I wanted to watch everything in order the YouTube subscription feed only lets you go back so far. (You can hit the 'Load More' button up to 8 times.) I can watch those 8 pages of videos and forgo what came before or get caught up slowly. So far I'm focusing on narrative web shows, then I'll go to the pages of my friends and favorites and see what looks good. I'll have to suppress my completest tendencies and just ease back into the community.

However even if I was able to go through the entire feed and watch everything I missed, I'd still miss some things. The YouTube subscription feed is not as great as it once was. If you don't watch a channel's videos for a long time, their content will stop showing up in your feed regularly. It's not as inclusive and fool proof, which is why adding youtubers on twitter and facebook really helps.

How do you watch YouTube? Do you make sure to consume everything on your subscription feed? Do you watch what's on the 'What to Watch' tab and don't really worry about subscribing to particular channels? Or do you watch whatever your friends post on Facebook? I want to know what kind of YouTube viewers my blog readers are so speak up! :)

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