Sisterhood 3.0

So Sisterhood 3.0 is an idea built out of the community on YouTuber, Liz's Discord server. It's a collab channel made to feel like the older days of YouTube and John and Hank's, Brotherhood 2.0.

I've volunteered to be a 'casual' member, which is really a low-pressure, low-commitment, way of being apart of a collab channel again. (One of my favorite YouTube past times, as you may or may not know.) 

The way the schedule is set up it'll be a slow-moving channel, each member posting only once a month. There are about 8 members, most of whom I don't already know.

Please enjoy my introduction video, it serves as a bit of a life update for me as well. If you end up subscribing, comment and let 'em know I sent you!