Witch Baby (Dangerous Angels) – Anime Expo 2004


This is actually a character from a book series, Dangerous Angels by Francesca Lia Block.  Witch Baby (or Nina Bruja as she’s sometimes known) is an orphan with purple eyes and messy black hair who was adopted as an infant.  She always feels out of place and she plays the drums to get her emotion out and wears fake wings.  She sometimes has cowboy boot roller skates, but I did not have the time to build some of my own. (Though I really would love to own some one day.)  This costume was worn to Anime Expo in 2004 when I was 18.  No one knew who was and when I told them they assumed it was from some anime they had never heard of.  The costume is retired as the wings are not my own.

Purple eyed girl.
expo04 055

Nina Bruja
expo04 054

Searching for My-Secret-Agent-Lover-Man
expo04 053 

Click the photos to see them larger and to comment on their Flickr page!

Thanks for reading!


Stephanie said...

Yes! You're the first blogger I've found who has read Dangerous Angels! I love all of Francesca Lia Block's books, they're so dreamy and I love how they portray LA, even though I've never been there. Your costume is great! :)


Jennifer Holmquist said...

Thank you so much! Her books are just so beautiful. I live in LA and Block's portrayal of it is spot on!