Currently // 1

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Listening // Jim got this Joanna Newsom record, Have One On Me, from a local record shop we visited recently. We've been playing it all week, it's great.

Editing // I'm just about finished with a big project I've been working on for the past three months. It's a music video for my friend Tim and his band Artichoke. The video will premiere on my channel next Thursday (May 16th.) Don't miss it! There about 30 women in the video and I'm very proud of it.

Reading // Snail mail! I just got my second letter from my IGGPPC pen pal. She is lovely and has two small children who send me drawings. So cute!

Loving // LUSH! I recently tried their Comforter bubble bar and I am in love. I cut it up into 9 pieces and used the smallest piece, and that bath was bubble insane!  I'm big on scents (I love candles and incense) and everything at LUSH smells so good. Also, it's just nice to just relax in the tub after a long work week.

I think I might start posting these 'currently' posts twice a month. It's a nice way to reflect and appreciate.


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