Coworker Craft Night

Craft Night #1
A few months ago some girls from work decided to have a little crafts and drinks night. I didn't know them very well but I got invited and I jumped at the chance to make new friends and mess around with craft supplies.  There was nail painting, pink wine, pizza, and tons of silly crafts. I just thought I'd share some pictures from our night. (I didn't take pictures of the girls since most of us had just met. If we do it again I'll try and capture more of the evening!)

Some thread (flossing) beyond a sea of glue, yarn, and more!
Craft Night #1

Seems I'm not the only YouTube/crafter girl with a Nyan Cat rainbow lurking in their apartment...
Craft Night #1

Puff Ball Friend! We all made these since there was tons of yarn and a decent stash of googly eyes.  He now sits on my desk at work.
Craft Night #1

The other thing I made was a Peter Pan Collar.  They are really popular these days so made one out of felt, brass fasteners, and ribbon to tie it around my neck.
Craft Night #1 
If we have another craft night soon, I'll be sure to let you know! Any easy craft ideas for us? (I should really start a Pintrest board...)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooh, easy craft stuff? How about felt flowers? You can glue them together if you don't want to stitch them - just have a look on Pinterest for some ideas!
Anna xx