DIY: Present Wrapping

Here's a fun DIY idea for wrapping a small present.  Make your own box! It was my boyfriend's younger sister's birthday in December and I got her some nerdy earrings.  I wanted to give them to her in a small jewelery box but I did not have any on hand, so I decided to make my own.

I cut out two corners of a beer case. (Other things you can do with random cardboard found around the house including beer cases!)
Then I glued wrapping paper to both corners.
I wrapped the earrings inside of some tissue paper and placed them inside the two halves.
Then I taped the halves together and tied a bow around it.

It's not a perfect square but I like the quirky DIY feel the imperfections have on the present.

Here's the earrings that were inside!  They are Mocking Jay's from The Hunger Games.  I bought them from AmberlilyWands

Thanks for reading!