VidCon 2012

VidCon 2012 was...overwhelming. There were more than twice the amount of attendees than the previous year, the location moved from a hotel to a vast convention center, and the list of things to do was impossible. It's not to say I did not have fun. It was just...different.

Industry day was fun and informative as the year before. However, due to my new job in the online video world, I found myself taking less notes since I knew more this time around. The reception was bigger and full of more people. I hung out with old friends and made some new ones as well. It was not a bad start to the weekend.

The Maker booth was huge this year, I was expecting it though since I had been in the VidCon meetings for months. I wish I had gotten more photos, it was defiantly the booth with the most things to do.

MakerAfterPartyVidCon2012 On Sunday night, during the final concert, I slipped away for a bit to attend the Maker VidCon After Party. Some of my co-workers that didn't have passes were there and I chatted up a few people I had not got a chance to before. It was a really nice party.

The rest of the photos I have were from the Secret Show and Disney Day. The Secret Show was a small concert thought up by a few young musicians who did not make the cut for the official VidCon open mic. They created their own show and even got a room for it. I'm so proud of them. There are more photos on my Flickr.





Thanks for reading!
I check into my VidCon hotel tonight so you probably won't see any new blog posts till Monday (at the earliest)
I plan to take way more photos this year so look forward to those later next month.

More VidCon memories:
2011 Photos
2011 Videos
More 2011 Videos
2012 Videos

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