July Report Card

I know tomorrow is the last day of July, but OI'll be honest with you: I am not getting anything done tomorrow that's not work. I'm checking into the Anihiem Hilton for VidCon and starting my mini vacation. That's why I am writing up my report card today. It's for this goal thing one of the blogs I read, She Learns as She Goes, does monthly. Welp, lets see how I did!

Get Ready For VidCon | A
asdfghjkl;! I am ready (for the most part) to go to VidCon! As I just said, tomorrow I check into the hotel and won't get home till Sunday night. I am beyond excited. I have everything ready, I just need to pack it all.

Jim's Birthday! | A+
Like I said before in the progress report, it was great! I love him so much.

Add To My Shop | C
I actually decided to wait to add things to my Storenvy shop till after VidCon. I want to be able to promote them and ship them in a timly manner if someone wants them right away. So next week I'll get going on this.I'm giving myself a C for this since I did decided to change this goal.

Get Back Into YouTube | A+
I have been a lot more inspired this month and feel as if my videos are getting better. I posted a channel trailer video that I like well enough. I think that will be something I do continue to update from time to time. I also have started planning future videos and I am really excited to share them with the world!

Finish Reading A Casual Vacancy | F

Nope. I could take this time to read you off a list of excuses but instead I won't. I did read a bit of it...but it's just not a page turner for me.

Overall Grade | B-
I'm pretty disopointed, the not reading really brought me down. I'm not sure if I'll do this every month, but it was pretty helpful I think. 


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