
I was a film major when I was in college and ever since I can remember I was always making my own short films.  I recently got into the world of online video and the opportunities that exist there.  I think on Fridays (or whenever) I want to talk about film.  I'm going to make that as broad as possible and talk about films I've seen, films I love, the film industry, the online video industry, YouTube, my own personal films and videos, film and video projects, and so own and so forth.  As I get older my love and hunger for film has changed, not decreased just turned into something else.  I suspect as my life goes on it will continue to morph and change.  By using this blog to track that growth I'll be able to go back and see what excited me at any given point in my journey. I hope you enjoy these future posts and feel free to recommend me films, YouTube channels, and television shows. 

To keep with the theme of this blog (crafty, creation, independent) if the movie or show I am talking about is not my own or that of someone doing it independently then I will incorporate a DIY project or craft or art inspired by it.

Photo taken by Hannah Moroz.


Miki said...

I look forward to see your material ;).

Jennifer Holmquist said...

Awesome, thanks for reading!