Thankvember: Friendship

For today's Thankvember post I am talking about friendship. I've never had a too much of hard time making friends but I also feel like I've been a part of a lot of different friend groups over the years and never seem to have that one person to last through them all. I am so grateful for everyone I have met and befriended in my life. Friendship is not always easy, so even if we've just been friendly acquaintances, thank you.

Friends, this post is coming to you slightly unprepared. Some of the people I see all the time are not in the photos below simple because there were no recent pictures of us on Facebook, and there are some people below that haven't talked to since college. I could do an entire series here talking about all the wonderful people in my life, but for now here are just a handful of memories.
Thank you high school friends, college friends, friends of friends, roommates, post-college friends, Nerdfighter friends, and all the friends I have yet to make!

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